Generally, we get order from buyer & it is executed by manufacturer. First of all, we need to know floor capacity of a garments industry. If we do not know how to calculate floor capacity in a garments industry then we will not able to execute the capacity planning. So, we should know our floor capacity & we can take order as per capacity. In garments industry there are many buyers work together in one factory so everyone has separate floor capacity. Before calculate the floor capacity we should know details about product history & output of garments.
Just, we will use our simple mathematical method for floor capacity.
Example: A woven bottom garments industry has 30 lines & each line has 60 machines. Each floor has 10 lines. Per hour a basic Mens pant output 3 pcs. Find out order capacity for each floor?
We know,
- Per floor =10 lines
3 floors=10X3=30 lines
Each line has 60 machines
- Men’s basic pant output by 60 minute per machine=3 pcs
Now, we can calculate each floor order capacity in the following.
=1lineX60 machinesX3 pcs=180 pcs per Hour
=10 linesX180 pcs=1800 pcs
If we calculate 10 hours per day then production will be
=1800 pcsX 10 hours=18000 pcs men’s basic pant per day(100% efficiency).
=18000X80%=14,400 pcs men’s basic pant per day(80% efficiency).
If we consider 26 days of a month (4 days holiday of a month) then we can calculate in the following.
=14400 pcsX26 days=374,400 pcs men’s basic pant per month (80% efficiency).
So, we can easily calculate 3 floors order capacity with 80% efficiency of a garment in the following.
=374,400 pcsX3 floors (each floor 10 lines) =11,23200 pcs men’s basic pant output per month (80% efficiency).
So, we can say that our order capacity is 1123200 units per month for 3 floors (30 lines). We can get order from buyer depend on above capacity.
Md.Mahbub-Ul Islam
RMG Consultant & Researcher
It is good learning topic.Useful to me.Thanks Sir.
Really nice & interesting article.Hope,it is helpful for RMG professional.Thanks for writing.
Most interesting points to me.Thanks for post sir.Really nice
Thanks for comments.
Good topic & really interesting.Help to everybody.TQ